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Doncaster School of Motoring
Motorcycle Training

Racecourse, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

British Highway Code for Roundabouts

The official instructions taken from the British Highway Code on Roundabouts (reformatted for the web):

motorbike icon123: On approaching a roundabout, decide as early as possible which exit you need to take and get into the correct lane. Reduce your speed. On reaching the roundabout, give way to traffic on the right unless road markings indicate otherwise. Watch out for traffic already on the roundabout, especially cyclists and motor-cyclists. At some junctions there may be more than one roundabout. At each one, use the normal rules for roundabouts.

motorbike icon124: Unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise: When turning left: signal left and approach in the left hand lane. keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left When going straight ahead: do not signal on approach; approach in the centre or left hand lane on a three-lane road (on a two-lane road you may approach in the right-hand lane if the left hand lane is blocked); take the same course on the roundabout; signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. When turning right or going full circle: signal right and approach in the right hand lane; keep to the right on the roundabout; continue to signal right until you have passed the exit before the one you want, then signal left. When there are more than three lanes at the entrance to a roundabout, use the most appropriate lane on approach and through the roundabout.

motorbike icon125: Watch out for traffic crossing in front of you on the roundabout, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit. Show them consideration.

motorbike icon128: The same rules apply to mini roundabouts. If possible, pass around the centre marking.
Watch out for vehicles making a U-turn and for long vehicles which may have to cross the centre of the roundabout.

Road markings

Across the road

Along the road

Traffic Sign

Give way to traffic on major road

Traffic Sign

Lane line

Traffic Sign

Centre line

Traffic Sign

Hazard warning line

Traffic Sign

Stop at STOP line

Traffic Sign

Do not cross double white lines

Traffic Sign

Do not cross solid line if it is on your side

Traffic Sign

Do not enter marked area unless it is safe to do so

Box junction

Traffic Sign

Do not enter the box unless your exit road or lane is clear, except to turn right.

Traffic Sign

Zebra and pelican crossings' zig-zag lines Vehicles must not overtake, wait or park in the zig-zag areas. Pedestrians should not cross on the zig-zag areas. They should always use the crossing.

Traffic Sign

Keep school entrance clear

Telephone: UK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

Hours are 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

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Telephone PictureUK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

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