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Doncaster School of Motoring
Motorcycle Training

Racecourse, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

Traffic lights

Traffic light signals

Traffic Sign

means Stop.
Wait behind the stop line.

Traffic Sign

also mean Stop.

Traffic Sign

GREEN means you may go if it is safe to do so. Take special care if you mean to turn left or right and give way to pedestrians who are crossing.

Traffic Sign

AMBER also means Stop.

Traffic SignFlashing AMBER
means you must give way to pedestrians on the crossing, but you may continue if there is nobody on the crossing.

Flashing lights

Traffic Sign

Flashing red lights mean you MUST STOP. They appear at level crossings, lifting bridges, airfields, fire stations etc.

Traffic SignIf there is a GREEN ARROW you can go in the direction shown if it is safe to do so. You can do this whatever other lights are showing.

Traffic SignFlashing amber lights tell you there could be schoolchildren crossing ahead.

Telephone: UK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

Hours are 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

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Telephone PictureUK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

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