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Doncaster School of Motoring
Motorcycle Training

Racecourse, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

Bike drawing

Full range of courses available from C.B.T. to Direct Access with or without bike hire.
Intensive training courses or pay as you play

Your World of Motorcycling starts here

Small picture of 125cc bikeClick on Bike for Specifications of vehicle
Traffic ConeCompulsory Basic Training Course
- £60.00
Designed as a basic introduction to the world of Motorcycling. An ideal course for someone who has never ridden a Motorcycle.
BIKE HIRE AVAILABLE @ £15.00 per day

Traffic Cone4 Day Training Course on a Honda C.G.125CC Machine - £349.00
For people with little experience on a motorcycle and a full car license. Day 1 is C.B.T day, followed by two full days intensive training and the test on the 4th day.
Price including Bike Hire & 3rd party insurance and Test Fee

small picture of 500cc bikeClick on Bike for Specifications of vehicle
Traffic Cone4 Day Direct Access Course on a Honda C.B.500 Machine
- £399.00
A quick pass method to obtain your full unrestricted motorcycle license. Day 1 is dedicated strictly to machine handling on a large capacity motorcycle, followed by two full further days training and the test on the 4th day. Candidates must be 21+ with a full car license and had reasonable experience on a motorcycle before.
Price including Bike Hire & 3rd party insurance and Test Fee

Traffic Cone5 Day Direct Access Course on a Honda C.B.500 Machine - £449.00
For candidates with limited experience on a motorcycle. Day 1 is C.B.T. Day. Day 2 is dedicated strictly to machine handling on a large capacity machine. Day 3 & 4 are all on road training followed by the test on the 5th day. Candidates must be 21+ with a full car license and had reasonable experience on a motorcycle before.
Price including Bike Hire & 3rd party insurance and Test Fee

Traffic ConePay as you play
Lessons on a C.G.125 (£12.00 per hour - Min 2 Hours)

Lessons on a C.B.500 (£20.00 per hour )

Book Now ! - While you can
Click here for our online booking form.


Telephone: UK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

Hours are 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

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Telephone PictureUK phone: 01302 391900 or Mobile: 0836 614806

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